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import { CLPublicKey, CLU512, RuntimeArgs } from 'casper-js-sdk';
import CurrencyUtils from '../../../helpers/currencyUtils';
import DelegateResult from '../../../results/delegateResult';
import AbstractSmartContractStoredByHashDeployParameters from '../../abstractSmartContractStoredByHashDeployParameters';

 * @constant
 * @type {string}
const entrypoint = 'delegate';
 * @constant
 * @type {number}
const fee = 2500000000;

 * Delegate class
 * Class used to create DeployParameters for a Delegate operation
export default class Delegate extends AbstractSmartContractStoredByHashDeployParameters {
   * Constructor
   * @param {string} amount - Amount of casper to add to delegate
   * @param {string} activeKey - Current active key in the public hex format
   * @param {string} validator - Public key in the hex format of the validator
   * @param {string} network - Current network to execute the deployment
   * @param {string} hash - Current hash of the stored SmartContract
   * @param {number} ttl - Deploy time to live  in hours
  constructor(amount, activeKey, validator, network, hash, ttl = 1) {
    const args = RuntimeArgs.fromMap({
      delegator: CLPublicKey.fromHex(activeKey),
      validator: CLPublicKey.fromHex(validator),
      amount: new CLU512(CurrencyUtils.convertCasperToMotes(amount)),
    super(activeKey, network, hash, entrypoint, args, fee, ttl);

   * Get a DeployResult constructor
   * @return {DeployResult.constructor} - Return the constructor of a given DeployResult
  // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
  get deployResult() {
    return DelegateResult;